What Businesses Must do Online in 2022 to Beat Their Local Competitors

Written by Ross Bryant

Businesses are facing more competition than ever. Not only are they facing new challengers coming into the market, they are also coming up against internet businesses who are inching onto their turf.

With that extra competition, it's more important than ever before that your business is employing some core Online Marketing Strategies.

The Single Reason Why Knowing How to Correctly Market Your Business Online is So Important in 2022.

Today's market is extremely savvy when it comes to where they will spend their money before they actually walk in your door. Gone are the days when people open up the yellow pages and pick the business with the nicest looking ad.

Statistics show that before a customer ever picks up the phone to call your office, they have already done their due diligence using the Internet.

With that in mind, it's important to understand the two key places that a potential customer uses to pre-qualify your business. Studies show that 60-70% of all potential customers are looking at your Facebook page and your website before they decide to visit your office and do business with you.

So what do you need to do to make sure that your business wins the customer over when they visit those two places? Let's dive in and talk about the keys to doing both correctly.

Online Marketing Essential #1: A Facebook Page that is Updated Daily

What a lot of small business owners don't understand is how the general public judges a business based on what they see on their Facebook Page.

Put simply, if a business' Facebook page looks unprofessional (poor graphics and grammar errors,) the public believes that reflects what's going on inside of the business.

If a business' Facebook page hasn't been updated in a while (if your last post was more than a few days ago), the public believes that the business' staff might also let things slip and become outdated inside of the business.

We agree, It isn't fair that this is how your business is perceived if you're content is spotty, but it's the way things go. Make sure to always keep content flowing on your page and post one to two times every single day.

The keys to making your Facebook Page a Customer Magnet:

  • A Professional Profile Picture - This is the very first thing most people see when they do a search for your Facebook page and head over to check your business out. It's needs to be professional looking and really showcase what your are about.

  • A Professional Timeline Cover - This is the second thing that people see when they are doing research on your business on Facebook. It needs to be professional looking and it needs to tell your story in an image.

  • Interesting Facebook Posts Branded With Your Logo - It isn't enough to just post a motivational quote or a funny video. Your business Facebook page needs to have interesting content that people learn from. If your page has interesting and current content, people will convert into full customers.

  • One or Two Posts Every Single Day - Like it or not, people judge your business by how current your marketing is. When your last Facebook posts is several weeks old, it tells people that you "let things slip" when you get busy. This is an impression you can't afford.

How to Save Time When Setting Up Your Business's Online Marketing This Year

The good news is that you can hire us to take all of this off of your plate. We will help you get everything rolling without charging you an arm and a leg.

HealthBeat Online offers done-for-you content posted to your Facebook page as often as twice a day, seven days a week. This content, designed by an expert in your field, is topical, interesting, and fun! To see some samples from currently available product sets, click the links below.

Take a few minutes to visit some of these sample Facebook pages to see what our content would look like for your business.

Let Us Do It For You!

We'd be happy to help you get everything set up. We've worked hard to make this process almost completely hands-off for you and your staff. This keeps your time commitment minimal so you can concentrate on doing what you love: taking care of your customers.

If you'd like to have us do everything for you, just click the button below or call us at 423-564-5960 to get started.

We can do everything for you for starting at $99.95 a month and help you get the same kind of benefits that sending out a monthly newsletter has gotten our other clients.

Meet Your Author:

Ross Bryant, President of HealthBeat Online, has spent hundreds of hours studying and learning digital marketing during his career and is on the way to becoming one of the leading consultants in the local area.

If you'd like to learn more, or just have questions about something you'd like to do, give him a call at 423-564-5960, or drop him an email at [email protected], he'd love to hear from you!

Your Marketing People

Delivering Facebook consulting, Social media content management, promotional marketing, and other services to the business community.

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Contact Information

1433 Russell Street

Morristown, TN

Phone: 423-564-5960

Email: [email protected]